Are women greener than men? What is your take?

If you’re into your natural men’s beauty products then you might not agree that women are “greener” than men unless you are using some best products for hair growth.

But a report in the LA Times claims there is a gender difference when it comes to environmental concerns.
“Women consistently rank values strongly linked to environmental concern — things such as altruism, personal responsibility and empathy — as more important than men do,” says the report.

“They also say they see environmentalism as important to protecting themselves and their families.”

Apparently The Institute for Women's Policy Research found women are less likely than men to support government cuts in spending on environmental issues.

They’re more concerned about environmental risks to health and more positive about environmental activists.

The LA Times reports: “Women in industrialised countries are more likely to buy ecologically friendly and organic foods, more likely to recycle and more interested in efficient energy use, according to research by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.”

So come on guys – spread the word!