How to go back to your roots with hair growth products

If you’ve had enough of dyeing your hair and want to return to your natural hair colour, you might need to tread carefully. Just by using the best hair growth products will achieve this but there is more to it.

Dawn Davis, who writes the Sexy Beauty Secrets Blog for Cosmopolitan, has a few tips.

She says even the stars need to be careful about going back to their roots – Jessica Biel has recently returned to her natural brown, but the tips are still a bit lighter than the rest of her hair.

“Even with the fanciest treatments out there, it's hard to make a big change,” says Dawn.

“If you're thinking about ditching your faux colour and going back to your roots, here are a few tips to get you there without any mishaps (bright orange, anyone?)”

She says it’s best to go to a professional, even if you did your original colour yourself. A great tip is to ask the salon how you can do touch-ups at home – this will save you money as you won’t have to keep going back every few weeks!

Then, you need to use the right products. Look for colour-preserving shampoos and conditioners to stop the colour from fading. A hair styling gloss which you can use at home will also help boost the colour.